Bang Bruflat Perry
KNOW Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior and Friend
GROW in Faith, Love and Obedience to God
GO as witness of Jesus Christ to our community, nation & world

1023 Parke Avenue
PO Box 381
Portland, ND 58274
Service Times
Perry 8:45 AM
Bang 9:00 AM, Sunday School 10:00 AM
Bruflat 10:30 AM, Sunday School 9:30 AM
Phone Number
Pastor Leon Philpot serves all three congregations in the Parish and also provides services to West Traill Ambulance Service and the Luther Memorial Home in Mayville.
We seek to serve you in any way that we can. Prayer requests? Information for the newsletter/bulletin? An illness, hospitalization, birth, wedding, or death in the family? A question about baptism, membership, or any church doctrine? Feel free to call the Parish Office at any time.

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

Eastern North Dakota Synod

Are you looking for a new church home?
If you seek a place where you can worship through the ministry of Word and Sacrament, consider visiting us. At Portland Lutheran Parish, our purpose is to worship God, to serve others, to support one another, and to invite all people to share in this Christian ministry.
We believe in faith in Christ as taught in the Gospel, repentance, confession of faith in Christ, and baptism for the remission of sins.
You will enjoy the atmosphere at our services, where the only expectations we have on you as a visitor is to feel welcome. You will find no exclusive pews for any person. All are greeted with courtesy and kindness. We enjoy the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. The Parish is supported by the free will offerings of its members.
We welcome new faces and old friends. We invite you to join us for worship and any other ministries we offer that are of interest to you.
Portland Lutheran Parish is a wonderful, caring place to grow in your Christian faith.
Come and worship with us today!

KNOW Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior and Friend
GROW in Faith, Love and Obedience to God
GO as witness of Jesus Christ to our community, nation and world
KNOW Jesus Christ
*Know He lived, died for you, rose and is alive forever
* Know He's all-loving
* Know He's all-listening
* Know He's all-watching
* Know He's all-caring
* Know He's everything
* Worship and Praise God
* Study His Word to learn and grow in faith
* Living faith-fully in our every day experiences
* Sharing the Good News of Salvation
* Witness about Christ and His unconditional love
* Sharing gifts that He's given us to serve Him and others